Here at Jacuzzi we’ve been praising the healing benefits of hot water for over 60 years, and now, a group pf PhD students at Loughborough University have put hot water to the ultimate test to reveal some very interesting facts.
The study, which focussed on the health benefits of hot water in people who were unable to exercise found that hot water immersion improved inflammation and blood sugar levels.
Volunteers in the Loughborough-led study participated in both hot water immersion and ambient temperature trials separated by at least three days.
Commenting on the study, Sven Hoekstra said: “As the research on passive heating to improve cardiometabolic health is still in its infancy, this study provides strong rationale to continue the work on a treatment that may provide an alternative for people restricted from engaging in physical activity”.
“It is encouraging that a leading journal in the field of exercise physiology, the Journal of Applied Physiology, acknowledges its potential by publishing our work.
“In the future, we hope to extend this research to populations that may most benefit from passive heating interventions, such as the elderly or people with disabilities that restrict them from engaging in exercise.”
Have you put hot water to the test? Click here to read the full article.