Crenotherapy is a therapeutic practice that exploits the beneficial and curative effects of thermal and mineral water on the body. Generally it can be internal or external: water is ingested directly or sprayed through special devices to be taken in through inhalation, or by means of external application such as balneotherapy or hydrotherapy. Although it is generally not known as a crenotherapy technique, showering with thermal water is an effective practice.
The benefits of the shower
Showers indicated for crenotherapy use mineral or thermal water providing additional benefits.
As for other types of hydrotherapeutic treatment, showering can be carried out at different temperatures but, naturally, higher heat produces more steam to inhale, with a curative effect on the upper respiratory tract and bronchi.
If the aim is to improve blood flow, it is advisable to alternate between hot and cold and apply different water pressures. The rapid variation of water temperature also has a relaxing effect and stimulates the tissues, with a general benefit both for your health and aesthetics.
In addition, showers, if associated with emotional lights and massaging jets, are also beneficial for curing mood disorders and fighting stress.
A jet for every need
Showers have different types of jets that can be activated all over the body or focused on specific areas according to need.
Some are indicated as an aesthetic treatment: among these is a lighter face jet that tightens the facial skin and stimulates microcirculation, the thoracic jet which is effective in toning the skin of the cleavage, or the thigh jet that effectively counteracts cellulite and skin blemishes.
Other jets are used to treat deeper disorders, such as the hot jet for the nape that relaxes the muscles and is particularly recommended in cases of tension, stiff neck, migraines and tinnitus. The thorax jet, on the other hand, is suited in cases of low blood pressure, while the knee jet strengthens the organs of the lower abdomen and is recommended for the presence of varicose veins and venous insufficiency, insomnia, migraines and hypertension.